Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Back after a long break...

Hey every1!

Apologies r in order coz i havent blogged like a good human being for ages!!! So, here i go finally...

Im Sana...a business student of 20 and about to be 21 on the 15th of Feb...nice date don't u think? *winks* i love to dance and sing and scream and all that crap BUT i also like to irritate people out of their nonexistent minds :D yep that's me...no i did not audition on American Idol but it is a very VERY tempting thought (p.s. im coming Simon)

Anywho....Indian tv dramas really fascinate me...i mean they all show the same things over and over again n STILL we sit n watch those stupid 30 minute long episodes day after day just to see HOW that particular drama gets THAT "ghissa pitta" (read: redundant) twist that we see in every Indian drama...u knw wt im talking about...death of the hero=plastic surgery+memory loss=teary heroine+ANOTHER heroine(usually the hero's doctor) and so on and so forth....

Ok my mind has gone to lala land for a while....i'll be back sooner than you think..


1 comment:

Write away for the pen is stronger than the sword....

In the news today.....

Chand raat in Islamabad...looking forward to eating and getting gifts...