You dont wanna mess with me right now. If i had a webcam, i'd show you what my room looks like at this precise moment: clothes and shoes and books everywhere. GHUSSA=ANGER. I admit i tried to open facebook and i got the welcome page and then i closed the window after 2 minutes of pondering. I had deactivated my FB account in protest and it will be reactivated upon log in. I dont want to do it. I WILL not do IT. This is serious. Removal of one page does not solve all the other issues. I do not want my account to be hacked by some lunatic who then uses my pics for God knows what purposes!
Mark Zuckerberg: You are a very very very bad man!
p.s. sorry...i don't insult people publicly *mutters to herself @#$%%#%^&&$**^%%*